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Your opportunity to invest with Quintessential in a prime retail and commercial property in the heart of Brisbane.
Calling All Investors!
Introducing 240 Queen Street - your opportunity to invest with Quintessential in a Prime retail and commercial property in the heart of Brisbane’s CBD!
Investor Benefits:
- Unique counter-cyclical investment opportunity buying well beneath replacement cost.
- 93% occupied high-quality A-Grade building in premium location in Brisbane CBD with a WALE of 3.5 years.
- Diversified income stream from both retail and office tenants.
- Attractive risk adjusted return profile with projected peak net IRR 16%+ with scope for outperformance.
- Attractive forecast distribution yield commencing at 6.0% per annum, paid monthly.
- Brisbane has been strongest performing commercial market with continued growth projected in lead up to 2032 Olympic Games.
- Experienced Manager with a 13-year track record of strong investor returns.
** Offer open to wholesale and sophisticated investors only. Quintessential reserves the right to scale back applications.
Register your interest today: